Friday, March 26, 2010

Proper Protection

Get your mind out of the gutter...I'm talking insurance. If proper protection were enough to have a home owner's policy and Auto we would have it pretty easy. But let's paint a picture. If Bob and Susan each made $50,000 at their jobs, had two kids, a mortgage, some credit card debt and some other minor expenses they would probably be doing ok and have a retirement account growing. What if Bob or Susan didn't make it home from work one night? What if Bob was in a car accident and killed? Would Susan's $50,000 dollar a year job be able to now cover all of those above expenses? Probably not. Even worse, her husband's life insurance policy through his job is only a one time payment of $50,000. That money will help right now..but it won't last long and funerals are upwards of $15,000. Suddenly, life for Susan has drastically changed, her kids may not be able to have some college money set aside, and Susan may end up retiring later on with not enough money to last. Here's the bottom line! The experts recommend you have 8 to 10 times of your gross salary in life insurance. That means Bob & Susan should've each been insured for $500,000. That kind of money will not heal a broken heart in a terrible accident. It will give Susan one less thing to worry about as she mourns. The bills will be manageable. Employers get no tax incentive for insurance policies for employees about $50,ooo. I'm glad I'm a licensed Life Insurance agent in the State of Nevada. I will get to make sure families are properly protected and have peace of mind! It won't be easy when I have to deliver a death benefit in person. But, at least I won't arrive bearing more bad news. Mike

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