Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Book Trailer: It's a Sign, Stupid!

Take a look at the book trailer for It's a Sign, Stupid! Then head over to CreateSpace to order your copy with this special 38% Discount Code.



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Wish me a Happy Birthday

Do you all know what today is?  That's right!  It's my birthday.  And, the only thing I would love for my birthday besides world peace, a unicorn and Enrique Iglesias' mole is for you all to have my book. So...from the same people that brought you the Frankly Doria Show (meaning me -- the host), comes...

"It's a Sign, Stupid!" 

This steamy love story and romance novel is sure to make your loins sizzle.  Oops, wrong book!  Sorry.  The jacket copy for It's a Sign, Stupid reads as follows:

A must read for anyone on a spiritual journey. Former television news reporter, Mike Doria investigates and uncovers all the "signs" given to him as child and in adulthood that helped him recognize his own journey. This unique and fascinating look at various signs, symbols and life events is written from an autobiographical viewpoint but gives readers concepts, ideas and tools to help them recognize a spiritual journey and the importance of this life-changing circumstance. "It's a Sign, Stupid!" is written for anyone, but is especially eye-opening for those who want to understand their purpose in life and how to fulfill their destiny. Often told he sees things differently, Mike Doria extracts the meaning from situations and life events that go above and beyond any modern day diagnoses. The title of a book says it all -- you can look at something as just a sign or as a "sign." As a seeker of Truth by nature, Doria decodes his journey with the hope to teach others who want to learn more about themselves, the Universe and the magic in between.  

**For my 38th birthday, take 38% off the price of the book**





Check out this episode!