Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Time to Wait!

Just as the song "Turn, Turn, Turn" by The Bryds goes, there is a time for everything!  However, if you are anything like me and cursed with being impatient with all things under Heaven, this song can be hard to digest.  Think about it...we live in a very "now" society.  The touch of few i-phone buttons and we have the internet, an ipod or an instant message.  The advent of Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Youtube and countless other social sites allows us to see, hear and read anything instantaneously.  God forbid that little spinning circle on our phones (the one telling us its updating or searching) takes too long, and we're screaming at a piece of well wired plastic.  What used to be characterized as a virtue is now a source of pain and discomfort in our world.   We simply have to start learning to have more patience...plain and simple.  God, or whoever controls the crazy planet, is probably not going to get on Foursquare to tell us where or with whom he/she has check in.  The universe will intervene only when it and you are ready.  I'll say that again...when it and you are ready.  Have you ever gone through a spurt of impatience only to learn the wait was worth it?  Have you ever felt like your world was crumbling only to find the outcome was not really as bad as you predicted?  In other words, the ticking time bomb you created due to being impatient never really detonated as you had expected.  Our lives are a bit like jigsaw puzzles.  All the pieces have to fall in just the right place in order to come together correctly.  Puzzles, much like our lives, take time to complete.  The next time you become impatient and gravitate toward anger or even temporary insanity, take a deep breath!  As I sit and write this blog, I'm waiting for a few things to fall into place in my life.  Yes, I've been impatient.  However, I have been a little more pensive recently and finally took that deep breath I mentioned up above.  I'm learning there really is a time to every purpose under Heaven...including a time to wait!