Monday, March 15, 2010

The Big Gig

If you put a microphone in my hand and put me behind a television camera...I can talk about anything, be witty, in control, authoritative and just plain good...I've been told.
If you put a microphone in my my and my band 90 Proof behind me at a show...I have no idea what the hell to talk about in between songs. There are times it is needed especially to thank a crowed for coming or to stall when the guitarists need to down tune for a song. Perhaps its just something I will be comfortable with as I gain more experience. We've had 5 gigs so far...we are band that still isn't a year old. It just seems odd that with the public speaking experience I have, there's a disconnect when doing it in a show/gig setting. So, Attention More Seasoned Rock Stars: How do I rock out with my mouth out?

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