Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mr. Personality

In my continued spiritual journey which began about a year and a half ago I have learned a few things: 1.) Its never going to freakin' end!  2.) The more you accomplish spiritually, the longer your "to do" list becomes (very paradoxical) 3.) You want to slap the stupidity out of people, but can't!  Don't get me wrong...my spiritual journey has been absolutely beautiful so far.  It has opened my eyes to more than I  have ever seen before, allowed me to look deep within people to see their light, and has given me the opportunity to learn more about myself with regard to how I fit into this world.   What I've recently come to determine is that it isn't so much about understanding everyone else to better understand yourself.  Its the other way around.  You have to really understand yourself to better understand everyone else.  Just when I thought I knew who I was, I went ahead and took a personality test.  There are 16 different personality types.  For example, I am type ENFJ (Extrovert, iNtuition, Feeling, Judgement).  Cliffs Notes Translation: I'm a people helping social butterfly who can't seem to help himself.  When you see who you really are, written down in front of you, its pretty enlightening and frightening.  By some accounts, I wasn't surprised by the results.  The test told me that a journalism career would be a good choice.  I spent 11 years as a journalist.  The test also told me about my many faults.  For example, I overvalue aspects of the world around me at times and completely lose sight of myself.  When I thought hard on that one I realized it was true.  So what do I do with this new found information?  I grow.  The test specifically said to look at your personality weaknesses to become a better person.  I believe that when we recognize, admit and embrace our faults we become consciously aware of them daily.  In Doing that, we allow ourselves to grow in to more caring, intellectual and spiritual people.  By working on our faults and understanding who we really are, we then begin to better understand others and refrain from rushing to judgment.  I realize this is a lot to digest.  I'm tired just thinking about all the inner-work and learning I have to do to become a better person in this world.  But, as my personality type revealed..I care a great deal about the success of others!  It is absolutely true.  So, I will continue mending my faults and making myself better so I can help you become better!  If you'd like to take the personality test, I've included the link.  Once you learn your type...google the hell out of it. There is a great deal of information beyond what the test site offers.



  1. Hi Mike! Great first entry. :) I will be back!!

    Check out my blogs when you get a chance:

  2. Lisa..thank you for reading! Much appreciated. I will definitely check out your blogs. Best..Mike

  3. I am a big fan of you Mike, I certainly enjoyed you as a journalist-woke up early in the mornin'just to see/hear some of your remarks. You are a wonderfully talented guy. I love how honest& true your blogs are, they apply to everyone in some way or another! Keep up the great work :)


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